Hindus issues- dear Raita Wingers #SetTheAgenda

Hindus must #SetTheAgenda and not waste their energies fighting the LeLi gang. Neither should we argue amongst each other endlessly 

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A few days back, I had the good fortune of attending a few book launches and talks on Hindu issues. While I won't share here about the book launch details, I would most certainly talk about what I think is more important regarding Hindus and Hindu issues.

Let me tell you that like many others, I too am on Twitter and Facebook. I use the former more often because Twitter responses are quick, and in many cases honest. I am a sucker for honesty. You can check my Twitter profile> @swayamt.

Most of the people that I follow on Twitter are BJP supporters/ ardent Hindu fans/ and all those who want the Hindu cause strengthened. A lot of them are so-called Twitter influencers, and of course BJP politicians.

But watching their performance on Twitter, I am saddened.

And I am saddened even more when I hear them speak on public platforms.

You would agree with me that we are not AT ALL setting our agenda. We are forever in a reactive mode dissing people who we don't like. Most of the time, us Hindu folks are belittling, criticizing and ridiculing the Le Li crowd.

Le Li means the Left-Liberal crowd, also known as the Lutyens gang. And we all know who the members of this gang are- people who used to feed off the bread crumbs thrown by the UPA government.

I am amazed by the behavior of our Hindu brethren for the past 5 years. I call them RaitaWingers, they are spreading raita all the time. In this case, the raita is bile, ridicule, attack, and hate.

I am not a big fan of the LeLi gang that I do not want them attacked, but dear RaitaWingers, grow up, the time to fulminate is over, we need to #SetTheAgenda! Now that we have a government of our choice, we need to question Modi and his ministers.

It is not necessary to question Barkha Dutt, Shekhar Gupta, Arfa Khanum or Rana Ayyub every time a Hindu is murdered by a Mohammad or Dilshad. Nor does it make sense when a Hindu girl is raped or converted by the Peacefuls. The Ayuubs and Zainab Sikandars are doing their job, which is getting international recognition. Every time the LeLi gang points out at us, it is actually asking Washington Post and other 'liberal' newspapers to take note of its' achievements'....and hire them.

The LeLi gang by attacking us is actually strengthening its position. So, every time you attack Devdutta Pattnayak on Twitter, you are actually promoting him. And if you have a lakh of followers, then your attack gets amplified many times. People who otherwise do not know Pattnayak would click his profile and maybe read his works.

And what do you get? Babaji ka Thullu! 

Let's accept it, Devdutt Pttnayak and Ayuub are celebrities in their own right and it's wise to leave them alone. It's even better to #SetTheAgenda. We, on the other hand, are just mushrooming here and there. As Hindus, we still have to create our brand value.

I like it when Anand Ranganathan, Srijan Foundation and Indic Academy do much more than just rant. Ranganathan has started the Pondy Lit Fest while Srijan and Indic regularly host talks on Hindu matters. These initiatives are still in their infancy but I am sure they will evolve with the passage of time.

Hopefully, in the future, these events will cover Hindu issues that are positive in nature and not just focus on Hindu victimhood.

Sorry to say, but most of the talks in these events cover Hindu genocide, rapes, murders amnd other violent events. While it is good to know our tumultuous past, it hardly advances our agenda which is correcting our history books.

In this context, I'd like to point out the works of Subhash Kak, Manoshi Sinha, General GD Bakshi, Smita Mukerjee, and Vikram Sampath. These guys have really put their heart and soul in creating something new and helps to #SetTheAgenda. If you are on Twitter, you can look up these ladies and gentlemen and read their works.

So, what is the agenda that we are talking about? Here are some pointers:

1. Helping each other in material terms ( jobs, promotion, encouragement, etc)
2. Consolidating the Hindu voice
3. At least not bickering with each other on social media
4. Questioning our netas non-stop
5.Forcing our government to re-write our history books
