Devi doesn't need animals to be cut for pleasing her

Image result for Tripura High Court judgement animal sacrifice
Image courtesy-Newstrack English 

This being Navratri season, there is a lot of debate on Twitter and Facebook about animal sacrifice. There are some people who seriously SUPPORT ANIMAL SACRIFICE in the name of tradition and dharmic practices, and I am horrified at their self-righteous belief.

In this blogpost, I shall demolish the argument that animal sacrifice is integral to the Sanatan thought, and I, by the way, give two hoots to tradition.

Before I venture ahead on this subject, I would like to share the Tripura High Court judgment that banned animal sacrifice in Hindu temples.

Here's the link>

Predictably, some Raita Wingers pounced on the judgment and questioned the judiciary over its silence on Eid animal slaughter, why the selective posturing on Hindu issues only?

And I agree with this line of thought.

But I am not going into the merits and demerits of this judgment. My sole point is why animal slaughter in the name of tradition is wrong, demonic, and goes against the grain of Hindu/Sanatani thought.

Supporters of animal sacrifice quote ancient traditions to buck up popular opinion. But they don't realize that Dharma=/= Tradition. The latter is just one of the means of reaching Bramha, and we need to revise it from time to time after testing it on the touchstone of morality.

And how does animal slaughter stack up against morality? The answer is- this practice is cruel, selfish, and inhuman.

As a human and vegetarian Brahmin, I am repulsed by the sight of little birds being torn apart by the butchers, and lambs being separated from their mothers before being axed to death. In fact, I never even pass by those streets where these acts are being done in open. And like me, there are countless others who find these acts of slaughter barbaric.

Ok, let's assume animal slaughter has been sanctified by the pandits; let's accept this logic advanced by the animal sacrifice proponents, for a moment. Let's also assume that all the animal sacrifice supporters also believe in Karma and the principle of rebirth.

Now, as you chop off the head of an unsuspecting lamb on the altar of Devi, don't you ready yourself as a lamb in your next birth? And your victim-the lamb- will become your executioner in its next life! So every time you extinguish the life of a poor, dumb animal, you register yourself as a victim in your next rebirth.

If you don't believe me, you need to read the fate of a rishi who had to live for some time on a spear because he had killed an ant in his previous life!

The second logic advanced by sacrifice lovers is even more bizarre; it has the sanction of our rishis!

Okay, so we must perfunctorily follow all that our rishis said or did, isn't it? How absurd is this logic?

Our rishis were not infallible, they also had certain weaknesses, and if a certain rishi has ordained that animals have to be cut for the Devi, he is plain wrong.

I would never follow a certain Prashuram because he killed his mother or a Gautam for deserting Ahilya. Or even Vishrawa for giving birth to Ravan. All these were famous rishis and were noted for their knowledge and deep insight, but these men, if not despised, are at least not liked either.

There is even a more powerful logic to stop animal sacrifice.

Lord Pashupatinath aka Shiva is known as the protector of animals. He is shown being surrounded by animals of all types.

So what does this imagery show? Simply, that all animals and birds are dear to the God of gods, Shiva. If this message still eludes you, then you are surely going against Shiva.
