6 Big Ticket Reforms of Modi Government

Now that Narendra Modi has returned to power with a massive mandate, what are my expectations from him? Here is my wish list.

Modi and Shah have a lot to do in their second term. 

  1. Jobs
My number 1 priority is JOBS. It would be foolish of Mr. Modi to not concentrate on jobs and employment in his second term. 

Please remember that this government was voted into power by large numbers of first-time voters. These people are in their 18s or 19s and want simple and uncomplicated lives. Most of these first time voters want to settle down in their lives with stable jobs. Would Mr. Modi help these young people find their jobs four years from now?

I know some readers would snort at my observation and say, ' Why don't these people turn entrepreneurs?' It is a good question but alas, many Indians don't have the DNA of entrepreneurship! Launching a startup sounds great but you need funds to sustain it through thick and thin. Where would you get these funds from? By selling pakodas or tea? 

If you are following the Indian economy for the past few years, you would know that the Modi government has failed in creating jobs. Mr. Modi was indeed lucky to be re-elected despite high unemployment! 

Not creating enough jobs would lead to a political disaster, Modi ji. The same people who voted you in 2019 will pull the rug from under your feet, so beware.  

    2. Solve the Bangladeshi problem

No Ph.D. required to understand the problem. The only thing Modi and Shah need is 'Resolve'. Would both of them stop the Bangladeshi infiltration? Would the new government start expelling the illegal Bangladeshis ( primarily Muslims) right away? 

During its last term, the BJP government managed to expel just 2,000 illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators. This is a minuscule number given that the total number of such people in Bharat is approximately 20 million. I know that the problem in hand is immense but the Union government has to remove this menace to our national security. It can start by working along with BJP run governments in Maharashtra, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, etc. 

    3. Education Reforms

I know that Education is a concurrent subject but that should not stop Modi ji from reforming this sector. 

Successive governments in the Centre and States have neglected education over the years. Budgetary allocation to education last year actually shrunk by 0.1% over the 2014-2015 figures. 
According to a study by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, most states spend less on education than what is required. So the problem in education is widespread and nationwide. 

There are three major problems afflicting our education sector;
a) Not enough jobs for graduates
b) Employability issues
c) Students in lower classes have comprehension issues. 

I guess, the Union and State governments need to work together to solve these problems. Let's make education a bipartisan subject. Kejriwal and other non-BJP chief ministers should work together with the Modi government if they are truly concerned about education. 

    4. One Country, One Law

Why do we have different laws for different religions? If our country is secular, then why can't we have a single law when it comes to marriages, divorces, births, and deaths? I am referring to the Universal Common Code or the UCC. 

Now critics might argue that implementing the UCC would go against the Constitution but I would disagree. The Constitution is clear that every citizen in India is equal irrespective of his or her religion, gender or economic status. If a Hindu woman enjoys certain rights like enforcement of monogamy, then the same rights should extend to women belonging to other faiths. 

    5. Screw Article 370 

Nothing needs to be said here. Everybody knows what that means. By the way, if you cancel this vile Section, overall the country will save a lot of money on defence expenditure. But, and this a big but, the Kashmiri Pandit community must come forward and agree to start living in Kashmir once again. 

   6. Cancel useless laws

Can we have useless laws out of our statute books, please? Why do we have archaic laws like defamation in India? Why should we spend precious money on such useless laws? Mr. Law Minister, are you listening? 

