Article 370- Dharma without a gun is mindless chatter

The scrapping of Article 270 by the Narendra Modi government has important lessons for Hindus and Indians at large. This article will also try to explain the finer points behind the cancellation of Articles 35 and 370 by the BJP government.


Lesson no.1-Dharma without a gun is just mindless chatter

Yes, that's right.
If you look around on social media, you will find countless Hindus expounding on Dharma, Vedanta, temples, Sanskrit, etc. Most of these well-intentioned folks cry over the destruction of temples and our seats of learning. At the same time, these Hindutva warriors also use 'Sanatan Dharma', a term which means that Dharma is Santana or ever-continuing.

I won't waste my time explaining my point of view on Sanatan Dharma; I leave that to you. But if Dharma is Sanatan, why did our dharmic places like the Martand temple in Kashmir, Somnath in Gujarat and Kashi Vishwanath in Benares were sacked by the Islamic invaders?

The answer is simple- we did not have power, political or military. I hope, you'd agree with this answer.

Now let's look at the Kashmir angle where we've been fighting for the removal of Article 370 for a very long period of time. Agreed that most of the time, India was being ruled by non- Hindu friendly forces like Congress, Janata Party, and the Janata Dal.  But didn't we have a 'dharmic' sarkar in the Center for the last 5 years? Did this sarkar remove 370? No.


Because it did not have adequate power. It did not have the power of the gun behind it. And it did not have the right environment for spreading maya among its enemies.

All these factors came into play on August 5, 2019, when by a brute majority plus maya, this dharmic sarkar reinstated the rule of dharma in Jammu and Kashmir.

The limited point I am making is that Dharma reigns only if it is backed by force. Mere reciting of shlokas doesn't help; you are fooling yourself if you believe that by building temples, you are advancing the cause of Dharma.

The Islamists know this and apply this principle when it comes to advancing their faith. Christians, of course, spread their 'Dharma' through their marauding armies and plain subterfuge.

So, let's build our strengths and use them to conserve our Dharma.

Lesson no. 2- Drop your egos, dear KPs

I could discern a sense of superiority among the Kashmiri Pandits even when I was a young boy. My father was a Central Government employee so there were many Indians from different parts of India working in his office. And there were Kashmiris too like Kauls, Dhars, etc.

But what I found discomforting was their sense of entitlement and a false sense of superiority. I could hear them talk about their special marriage rituals like taking 6 rounds of the sacred fire during marriages, etc. For these fair-skinned people from the Kashmir Valley, any Brahmin from U.P or Bihar was at the bottom of the social pyramid.

Did this false sense of superiority ultimately alienate their Kashmiri Muslim neighbors? Perhaps it did and it was compounded by the Kafir-Non-Kafir debate. The results are for everyone to see; since 1990, Kashmiri Pandits are living outside Kashmir as penniless refugees.

So dear KP, tomorrow when you resettle in Srinagar, Pahalgam, Baramulla, Shopian and other parts of Kashmir, speak in a softer language with your neighbors. And never ever look down upon the non-Brahmins in your community.

Thankfully yours,

A Dharmik
